Corn & soy free, unwashed, pasture raised chicken eggs, and the health benefits.
posted on
June 12, 2022
At Hidden Camp Farm, the laying hens have access to all the pasture they want, where they can run around and enjoy the fresh air, bathe in the sun, pick at bugs, or whatever they prefer to do.
Our hens love spending the day roaming in the wide open pasture. And if the weather gets really bad they have access to run in the barn for shelter.
Here is a picture of the chickens enjoying the day on pasture.
Each night the hens will go into the barn to sleep, then in the morning, as soon as it gets light out, they will lay their eggs in the nesting boxes, then run outside and enjoy the day on the pasture, eating grubs, clover leaves etc.
However, chickens cannot live on grass and grubs alone, and still be able to have good egg production.
So in order for them to stay healthy and live we feed them a corn & soy-free "transitional" grain ration that consists of all-natural & non-gmo, Wheat, field peas, barley, alfalfa pellets, flax meal, crab meal, fish meal, poultry nutri-balancer, calcium, and grit.
The eggs are gathered daily from the nesting boxes that are kept clean at all times so that the eggs do not get dirty, (other than from the natural feces that may occur when the chicken lays it.) Therefore, we do not need to wash them.
Here is a picture of the eggs being gathered from the nesting boxes.
Why we do not wash our eggs.
A fresh laid egg will have a protective layer of film on the outside called the “bloom”. This helps an egg stay fresh for up to two weeks without being in a refrigerator. As soon as the egg is rinsed with water the bloom will no longer be as protective, and will decrease the freshness of the egg. An unwashed egg can stay fresh in the refrigerator for up to 90 days.
However, an egg comes from the same opening in a chicken as the poop does. This may cause some unwashed eggs to have a slight stain on them but this will not affect the inside of the egg in any way at all. It just makes it look a lot fresher.
Grade & size eggs.
So after the eggs are collected each day, we will put them in cartons and refrigerate them, and they are ready to sell. We do not sort the eggs by size, so you might get different shapes and sizes, all in one carton. This is why we call them “grade & size”.
Upon doing some research of my own, I came across the following 5 reasons to choose non-gmo, corn & soy-free chicken eggs, that I found interesting.
Avoid GMO soy and corn
GMO soybeans and corn are loaded with herbicides and/or synthetic chemicals that can be transferred to weeds or pests.
One of the biggest disadvantages of GMO corn and/or soy is that it is very very likely to cause allergies, cancer, heart disease, and so much more human health issues. The chemicals used to grow gmo products will also kill the soil and keep it from regenerating naturally year after year.
Omega 3/6 fatty acid ratios
Corn and soy are both high in omega 6 fatty acids, which can be inflammatory, increasing the risk of chronic diseases. Corn and soy-free eggs are high in omega 3 and can help balance the omega 3/6 proteins to a healthier diet.
High in protein and nutrients
Eggs in general have an amazing amount of protein and nutrition value that are helpful to the digestive system. But if you start eating eggs that have no corn or soy, the protein and nutrition value just gets better.
High in vitamins or minerals that have specific health benefits
Eggs have an excellent source of vitamin B2, vitamin B12, vitamin D, selenium, iodine, and mineral contents that can help reduce heart disease, along with other health issues.
Eggs are naturally high in cholesterol, but the cholesterol in eggs does not seem to raise cholesterol levels like some other foods, such as those high in trans fats and saturated fats. It just gets better with corn & soy-free.
Good source of choline
The choline content of an egg is almost entirely concentrated in the yolk. In fact, there is approximately 680 mg of the nutrient per 100 grams of egg yolk versus 1 mg per 100 grams of egg white, making it important to eat the whole egg to get the most choline.
The yolk of an egg can reduce thinning of the macula (area around the pupil of the eye) that is responsible for the quality of our vision and can enhance eye care. Regular intake of eggs can also reduce age related disorders which may also lead to vision impairment.
Eggs in general are a low-carb, low-calorie and low-cost source of protein. One egg provides about 6 to 8 grams of protein with only 70 calories. Corn and soy-free is just much better.
At Hidden Camp Farm you’ll find all the wonderful nutrition and health benefits that are available in an egg. We strive to provide you with the best quality eggs for your breakfast table, and so much more!
Taste the difference with the orange yolks and nice brown shells. (Yolk color may vary by season)
Choose a healthier egg now. Nest run, corn-free & soy-free eggs.
Wishing you the best in health.