Graze Awhile, on the topic of 100% Grass-fed Beef
posted on
September 9, 2021
Hidden Camp Farm is an excellent place to pasture raise a herd of Jersey cattle, to pasture raise Thanksgiving turkeys, and to maintain a pastured flock of laying hens. We are grateful for the bounty of delicious poultry, and soy-free eggs that the animals provide.
Given that Hidden Camp Farm is also home to several carriage horses and a team of 6 draft horses, there is simply not enough pasture at Hidden Camp Farm - for us to raise all of the products that we offer in the Hidden Camp Farm Store. We take very seriously, the process of sourcing the items that we do not produce ourselves - as we discuss further, below.
We will only offer 100% Grass Fed & Grass Finished Beef, and there are several reasons why:
- Animal Welfare: It is natural for ruminants (animals such as cows, sheep, goats, and deer) to graze upon grass and the other edible plant sources they may encounter in a pasture. If these animals do not consume enough roughage, the pH in their internal systems may become too acidic; which can pose a number of health challenges. Compared to crowded feedlots, pastures provide less stressful environments for the animals to mature.
- Environmental Impact: When rotational grazing methods are utilized, the health of the pastures can also improve. Plants are able to establish longer roots, which can in turn help prevent erosion and runoff problems. Pastures that contain more dense greenery also are able to contain more carbon, than feedlots. Preventing additional stresses to our air and water quality are important to our present and our future.
- Nutritional Impact: Studies have shown that grass-fed beef contains less saturated fat in the meat, compared to grain fed meat. The composition of the fat available in grass-fed beef, has demonstrated 5 times the amount of healthy omega 3 fatty acids - when compared to grain fed beef. There is also about twice as much CLA, or conjugated linoleic acid. This fatty acid can stimulate fat loss and muscle growth in humans, helping to maintain healthy body composition. Lastly, grass-fed beef has significantly more Vitamin A, Vitamin E, and antioxidants than grain fed beef.
Our Beef is raised by Little Lakes Ranch (Leigh Goehring) located 18 miles from our farm. They are 100% Grass-fed and Grass-finished. They never feed their cattle any grain. Only Grass. Along with Grass-hay and baleage in the winter.
When the calves are born at Little Lakes Ranch they will leave them with their Mothers for 10 months, allowing them to have all the milk they need, to get a good bone structure and healthy body, which results in some great tasting well marbled beef cuts.
They never use any Antibiotics, pesticides, chemicals, or any of those bad products on their land or animals.
Why is Grass-finished important to us?
Most beef cattle are raised on Grass throughout the early years of their life, then about 3-4 months before they get processed they will be put in a feedlot and fed grain the rest of their life to fatten them up before processing... (And they’ll still be sold as Grass-fed)!! Cows/beef were not meant to eat grain!
Beef that has been fed grain is known to be more unhealthy for your diet than beef that never had any grain.
Grass-finished beef is known to be better for your heart, 5 times more omega-3 fatty acids, less unhealthy fats, and lower amounts of bad cholesterol, and just overall higher nutritional value than grain finished beef.
That is why at Little Lakes Ranch the beef cattle NEVER get any grain at all.
Some folks might say that grass-finished beef does not have as much fat and marbling as beef that was finished on grain. But here at Little Lakes Ranch that is the very reason that they leave the calves with their Mothers for 10 months. It helps them gain weight a lot faster and I tell you what, I’m not sure if I can tell the difference between our beef vs grain finished beef.
Think, Grass-finished the next time that you shop for beef! (Not Just Grass-fed)…
Wishing you the best.