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Creamy, grass-fed, A2/A2 Butter and its benefits! Its golden color finds its way into many goodies.

written by

Daniel King

posted on

December 28, 2022

Why do we suggest A2/A2 and grass-fed? No, not because we sell it but because we believe it is what's best for you and your health!

​It is sooo creamy, golden and delicious!

It's got great benefits!

A2/A2 milk contains 100% beta-casein proteins which is known to digest easier than regular milk with A1/A2 proteins. Most cows will produce an A1/A2 protein milk but by doing tests on the cows there are certain genetics that will produce the 100% A2/A2 protein. Click here to read more about A2/A2 and its benefits.

Butter making process.

By taking this wonderful milk and putting it through a cream separator while still warm (right from the cow) it will separate the fat of the milk from the non-fat milk and we'll have some rich heavy cream and skim milk.

The skim milk will most likely get fed to the pigs or dumped on the manure pile as it does not have a lot of value at this point. The heavy cream however will be put in the cooler immediately to get it cooled as quickly as possible.

Once the cream is cold it needs to be warmed up again to about 55 to 60℉. It will then be dumped into the butter churn. By churning this heavy cream for only a few minutes (if temp is correct) it will start to get curdy and soon you'll be able to see the rich golden butter.

At this point the butter will be sitting in a puddle of buttermilk which just separated itself from the butter. The butter will be squeezed and squeezed, and rinsed with cold water to try and get all the buttermilk out of it. 

Next, the butter will be salted with sea salt and will get mixed together to try and distribute the salt properly. Once it is fully salted it will be formed into nice one pound rolls and wrapped with a paper foil and it is ready to be used.

Enjoy the rich, golden and creamy flavor of this truly healthy A2/A2 butter that will do you no harm even if you eat it by the spoonful!:)  Honestly! 

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