Our broilers are hand raised from day old peeps. Our broilers enjoy the outside daily where they graze and scratch in the fresh grass, forage for bugs and bathe in the sunshine. Along with what they forage for, we give our broilers an all-natural, gmo-free feed ration to balance their diet and help them reach maturity at the proper age.
Cages are not the only things that these birds are free from, they will never receive steroids, antibiotics, or hormones either. The birds mature at a pace dictated by nature, not as a result of any force feeding or outside influence. Just like at Hidden Camp Farm, the birds are able to supplement their all-natural feed rations with the bounty of seeds, greens, and insects that the pastures contain. During the colder months they prefer the warmth of the barn, safe from the recent cold winds and snowfall.
It is our belief that this natural approach to raising poultry, results in a healthier flock that produces more nutritious foods. This difference is also a visible one, as these birds have meat, organs, and fat that exhibit more vibrant colors than the pale counterparts often found in supermarkets. Studies have shown that pasture raised poultry contains greater levels of Vitamin A, Vitamin E, and Omega 3 fatty acids.
Larger commercial poultry operations may raise birds in groups of thousands, but at Feather Brook Farm the flock numbers can be counted in the dozens. This allows for a greater level of supervision over the health of each bird, from their first day until the time they have matured.
In 2020, Feather Brook Farm completed construction of their on site processing facility. The process of selecting the mature birds, harvesting the meat, preparing the individual cuts, and packaging the products - is a process that Leroy and Mary complete by hand, and within a timeframe of just a few hours. We hope that you will agree: that having carefully and locally produced poultry, helps you to put more nutritious and delicious food on your table.