If you've never tried an exotic egg for breakfast, now is your chance to do so!
It may seem strange to be eating exotic eggs like these but in reality they are actually not much different from a regular chicken egg (other than the color and size).
Quail eggs contain large amounts of vitamin C and vitamin A, which can help neutralize free radicals and protect your health. They also contain large amounts of ovomucoid protein which is a protein that acts as a natural anti-allergenic.
Although Quail eggs are quite healthy, they are not much higher in nutrition than chicken eggs. It's up to you if you choose to add them to your diet. Quail eggs are much smaller than chicken eggs but contain more fat, protein, iron, riboflavin, and vitamin B12 by weight.
Cholesterol levels in quail egg are about 844 mg/100 g while chicken egg contains 372 mg/100g (USDA 2018). Cholesterol is a type of fat that is part of all animal cells in which composes 30% of animal cell membranes and produced by the liver and made by most cells.
So in reality quail eggs may increase the cholesterol level, but it is actually the "good cholesterols" (HDL) and will really help reduce the "bad cholesterols" (LDL). So go ahead and start eating quail eggs to help increase your body health today!
Quail eggs can be used just as you would use a chicken egg. You can even use them raw in smoothies or hard boil them for snacks or for salads... Hard-boiled eggs are perfect for a midday snack or as a garnish for salads.
You might want to use 3-4 cute little quail eggs for every big old chicken egg. You can substitute them in with any recipe that calls for chicken sggs and since they have a higher yolk to white ratio you'll get a creamier, more velvety texture.
Just keep in mind though. These cute little quail eggs will not take as long to cook as a chicken egg normally would.
These quails are not turned loose on pasture as they would simply fly off never to be seen again. However, they are kept in a barn where they can roam freely and get plenty of fresh air and exercise. They also get a ration of organic grains that is 100% GMO and chemical free!
We hope you enjoy them to the fullest!!
*Let us know if you'd be interested in any other exotic eggs (Emu, Ostrich) and we just might try them!