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Corn & Veggie Chowder

November 18, 2022 • 0 comments

Corn & Veggie Chowder
Are you looking for a wonderful and tasty chowder? Try this delicious recipe and add some special spice to your dinner table:)



In bone broth, or drippings from one Hidden Camp Duck, plus 2 cups

vegetable stock, simmer:

2-3 Hidden Camp potatoes diced

1 Hidden Camp butternut squash peeled and cubed

1-2 Hidden Camp onion diced

2 cups corn cut off the cob

Celery finely chopped (optional)

1-2 cups bite-size broccoli crowns (optional)

2-3 bay leaves (optional)

salt and pepper to taste


Pour the puree over tender veggies and cook on low for 10 minutes before

serving with Einkorn Sourdough (with Hidden Camp Farm flour) or air fried

sweet potato wedges (4-5 cups sweet potatoes cut into wedges + 1-2

Tablespoons coconut oil + salt to taste, prepared in air fryer)

DIY Grass-fed A2/A2 Ghee
February 22, 2024 • 0 comments