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All Natural Bug Spray

All Natural Bug Spray

Clearance Sale!

Made locally with local and organically grown ingredients.

All-natural bug spray is a safe and eco-friendly alternative to conventional insect repellents, harnessing the power of natural ingredients to protect against pesky insects. 

Unlike chemical-laden counterparts, these sprays rely on plant-based components like essential oils such as citronella, lemon eucalyptus, and lavender, making them a healthier choice for both humans and the environment.

The benefits of all-natural bug spray are manifold. Firstly, it provides effective protection against a wide range of insects, including mosquitoes, ticks, and flies, reducing the risk of insect-borne diseases like Zika virus and Lyme disease. Moreover, these sprays are gentle on the skin and suitable for people with sensitivities or allergies to synthetic chemicals. They often have a pleasant aroma, serving a dual purpose as a refreshing scent while repelling bugs.

Furthermore, the use of natural ingredients minimizes harm to ecosystems and aquatic life, reducing the environmental impact of insect repellents. By opting for all-natural bug spray, individuals can enjoy the outdoors without compromising their health or the planet's well-being.



Lemon grass, citronella, rosemary, lavender,..witch haze